70:20:10 or 3 Es of Learning & Development
Colleagues from the training & development profession are familiar with the “70-20-10-model” of learning and development.
This model has various origins, among them research by the Center for Creative Leadership in the 1990’s.
The ratio of 70:20:10 describes how people learn in the workplace:
70% of learning occurs “on the job”, also described as Experience
20% of learning occurs “near the job“, or through Exposure
10% of learning occurs “off the job”, in forms of Education
With these alternative names, this model is also referred to as the “3E model” and you find a few examples below.
As this is a model, is does not claim precision or scientific proof. I’d say it describes the basic principles of a learning and development strategy, both on an organizational as well individual level.
This model has an underlying beauty. The model can be split in the ratio of 80:20, with 20% informal learning. As a big fan of the Pareto Principle, I support the idea that 20% of informal learning near the job can achieve 80% of a development effect. The leverage of personal exposure and social learning seems much stronger than formal learning formats.
Exposure means interacting with others, receiving (and giving) feedback, a structured onboarding, socializing and networking, a mentoring relationship or even a coaching.
Hands-on Experience does not have the same leverage, however has the overall highest quantitative impact on learning. Key words here are projects, job enrichment or rotation, secondments and overall development paths.
Off-the-job Education comes third in this line-up, however not least. Take it as a foundation or cornerstones. Beyond theoretical input in classroom settings, there are relevant learning sources like conferences, webinars or books.
Effective development programs in organizations facilitate a combination of “100%”. They create impact by combining these methods, blending theoretical input with practical exercises and social learning.
Your steps on your trail:
Maybe you analyse which of the fields you have focussed on so far and where you may want to invest more time and effort.
With the idea of high leverage, look for social learning opportunities, seek for feedback, find a mentor.